Please participate: Survey on sustainable procurement
We need to know more! What are the financing needs for sustainable procurement of SMEs? That's why we're asking you for 15 minutes to answer the SIPPO and Handel Schweiz survey!

When it comes to importing products in cross-border procurement that are traceable environmentally and that are socially sustainable, this often means a lot of extra work for SMEs. Many SMEs are therefore reluctant to make this effort or cannot afford it on their own, even though they are convinced of the importance of the issue. This topic was discussed in detail at the SIPPO Import Promotion Forum.
The better it is known which success factors make sustainable supply chains reliable and thus also promote Switzerland's supply security, the more likely SMEs will be able to go down this path.
Survey open until 15 August 2022
For this reason, Trade Switzerland and SIPPO are conducting a survey until 15 August 2022, which will provide detailed information on which financing solutions are available to SMEs to build sustainable and competitive trade relations with suppliers in developing and emerging countries. Often, such solutions do not yet exist! Therefore, the survey also aims to clarify which solutions SMEs would need to build sustainable supply chains.
Kaspar Engeli, Director, Trade Switzerland and Clément Graf, Programme Manager, SIPPO/Swiss Import Promotion Programme ask for your answers: Link to the survey
The answers will be evaluated anonymously and treated with strict confidentiality. The survey should take only about 15 minutes to complete. Please do so by 15 August 2022. The results of the survey will be published on the website of Swiss Trade and SIPPO. Thank you very much!