A new e-learning module on the SIPPO Trade Promotion Academy
Since December 2022, SIPPO Partner BSOs – and other interested parties – can work on a new e-learning module within the SIPPO Trade Promotion Academy (TPA): How to prepare a sector export promotion strategy (SEPS) for business support organisations.

The SIPPO TPA is SIPPO’s comprehensive e-learning platform, enabling SIPPO Partner BSOs to offer high-quality export promotion services to their customers, the export-ready companies.
The aim of the module
The overall aim of this e-learning module is to help employees in BSOs prepare a successful sector export promotion strategy. This e-module is primarily targeted at the Trade Promotion Officers working for Business Support Organisations. Trade Promotion Officers provide advice and support to companies that want to start or improve their exports. Their activities may at least include organising inbound or outbound trade missions, virtual and/or in-person trade fairs, preparation of seminars/webinars on trends, and market requirements and developments, as well as reports on exports and imports data.
What is a Sector Export Promotion Strategy?
A sector export promotion strategy is a roadmap to:
- Identify and exploit market opportunities abroad for a particular sector
- Position exporters from a sector as internationally competitive suppliers; and
- Support exporters to access foreign markets, especially facilitating financial support.
The sector export promotion strategy has three pillars:
- finding the market opportunities in the international market;
- positioning and presenting the companies to the international market and
- supporting the exporters to access the international market.
More formally, a sector export promotion strategy aims to identify, plan and budget for the interventions needed to support and guide exporters from a particular sector to increase their exports in a sustainable way. It is focused on promotional activities towards the international market and is aimed at companies that are already exporting or are nearly export ready.
What will you learn?
By the end of this new module, learners will be able to identify good reasons to implement a sector export promotion strategy. They will be able to describe the different analytical techniques used to prepare a SEPS and know how to prepare a sector export promotion strategy and mitigate challenges one might encounter along the way.
For more information go directly to www.tradepromotionacademy.org and register for free!